I spotted this rabbit the other day on my way to work. I shooed it away from the car before leaving, but didn't know what else to do as I was in a rush to get to work. Today I stepped out the back and spotted the same beast again in the same spot. I took a few photos and stuck this up in the hope that someone will recognise the animal and be reunited with it.
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This map shows roughly the area the beast was sighter, but the actual lane is missing from google maps. Do you know Valetta lane? It runs parallell to Elizabeth St, alongside the rail corridor near Artarmon station. If you come down the station stairs, then turn right, then turn left before you get to that new thai place (Little Thai Place) you'll find yourself out the back of the greatest pizza shop known to man (LCC)
If you need better directions etc, email me: 'poi' three times, at gmail dot com.
(ie. poipoipoi@.) Note that I haven't got a hutch and don't even know what to feed such a beast, so it is still roaming free about the place, and is not neccasarily here still, but it was today (12.6.09), so it probably isn't a bad spot to look around.