It has been a long while since I've last posted, this is because my life has been sporadically busy: I've been either too busy to post on the blag, or lifes been so mundane to post about.
So, anyhow, here's my results:
Engineering Studies
91 (Band 6)
English (Advanced)
81 (Band 5)
General Mathematics
97 (Band 6)
80 (Band 5)
89 (Band 5)
Entertainment Industry
91 (Band 6)
I'm glad to have gone well in engineering, because I wasn't sure how it would work out once my marks were moderated relative to the folks below me in the class group (I was ranked second). Also, I didn't finish the exam (I spent about an hour drawing a picture on the back page, meaning to take a half hour break, but lost track of time).
As far as I know, there was not a single band six in our english class, which is surprising.
A 97 in maths is quite pleasing, especially considering that
- I only enrolled half way through the course
- I was put in the bottom class for the begginning of this priod (wich may as well have not been a class at all)
- When I was finally put in the top class, I wagged alot
- Even when I was there I spent about half the time listening to my 'pod
- The other half of the time I was listening to Shane's 'pod
- If I had have listened, I wouldn't have learned much, as our teacher was incompetent
- On top of her incompetence, she also lacked dedication (See post re our last day, when she sent a sub to avoid us)
I'm glad to have gotten at least a band 5 for physics. It was a difficult course, and I really didn't work as hard as I should have. But I had fun in the course, and that's what matters to me.
The school has never achieved a band 6 in Software, I'm kind of glad to continue the tradition. Obviously, the extra mark would have been nice too. Again, if you note my post about the examination, it contained content we hadn't studied, and (more annoyingly) had typos as well.
Finally, entertainment. I'm happy enough with this mark, although it would have been nice to get a really impressive mark. Mainly because I'm going for a VET scholarship. This was one of the most fun subjects (most of it, anyway). The most exciting outcome of this course is of course that I have achived a Cert III in Entertainment Live Prodution Theatre and Events Technical Operations: along with my RSA and St Johns Ambulance Senior First Aid Certificate, I'm hoping to get the chance to work at a few different festivals over the next few years. Possibly starting with the Peats Ridge festival over new years.
Here endeth the results section for today, if I remember, I'll update tomorrow with how I go on the UAI front, and I'll let you know if I make the honour roll (hehehe).
Yesterday I got up early and headed to Landsdowne Public School, where some of my old man's students were performing at their end of year presentation ceremony, and I ran the PA for them (just setting up and mixing). I also filmed it, but I don't think I'll be able to post the footage on youtube, because it's kids in a school, you know how it is.
Anyhow, I was editing the film and burning it to give to the kids when I got a call from Crowdy Head Public School, inviting me along to their presentation ceremony/ chrismas party/ farewell for Pip Thomas (who's leaving to have a kid). It was a fantastic event. They had some very impressive student performances, and a really nice atmosphere. It is such a nice community, and I'm so glad to have been a part of the school.
Remember Live and Loud is on tonight if you are in the area. I wasn't involved in organising it this year (for the first time ever) so I don't know who's playing or many other details. I'm fairly sure, however, that there will be good music and free pizza. See you there.
Take care one and all,
- Mick