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Monday, 30 November 2009

Email to UN about Alum Mountain

This morning I wrote an email to Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, about the Bulahdelah bypass.

I haven't time to write anything more in depth this morning; but adding another voice to the discourse can't hurt. James' contact details are as follows:

OHCHR, United Nation
1211 Geneva 10

Tel. + 41 - 22 917 96 47 fax + 41 - 22 917 60 10


Alum Mountain

[Photo credits go to
Wilderness Kev for both images]

There is a bunch of info about the situation if you don't know whats going on or just want to find out more.

Manning Times article on ICAC submissions

NBN Snipped about eviction of traditional owners

FB group: Bulahdelah bypass - The facts

And of course, Google for more info.

View to the west of Alum Mountain

Prof. Anaya,

You have probably been contacted by others in relation to the current action by the Roads and Traffic Authority in NSW, Australia to decimate a number of sacred Aboriginal sites. They are planning a highway through the Bulahdelah (Alum) mountain, a landmark significant to local people, but most sacred to Aboriginal people. But it is not just the sacred ancient mountain itself that is under threat; the site also contains the Healing Tree, and the sacred Healing Stream, amongst others.

Our government has an appalling record on Indigenous issue: from the racial genocide upon which Australia was founded, to the dispossession, the stolen generation, race based restrictions on transport and rights, classification of Aboriginal people as fauna, and even the much more recent and continuing military 'intervention' in the Northern Territory, which is largely in contravention of the recommendations of the Little Children Are Sacred report upon which the intervention was allegedly founded.

This government has proven time and time again that it cannot be trusted on issues related to race. I hope that you will make contact with our government and let them know that what they are doing is wrong; they will not listen to us, but maybe they will listen to you.

Michael Joseph Kelly