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Monday, 28 November 2011


I'm sitting on the steps of a temple in the backstreets of Johor Baru, taking shelter from a sudden downpour. I haven't seen another whitey since clearing customs at departure. From the looks I've been getting, I suspect there aren't so many westerners coming though here at all.

A family just walked past me, a large hairy white guy, in bright green shorts sitting on a filthy step; the old man regarded me with a weak contempt, the child with fear and suspicion, but the warmth from the old woman was comforting.

On arrival in Malaysia, upon realising that I don't know the currency here, let alone have any, I decided there was no avoiding dealing with the money changer. I suspect he spoke no English, and I speak no Malay, but the transaction was managed so efficiently it would make one wonder why we have language at all. Getting a drink was somewhat more amusing, all the girls in the juice bar were giggling as they tried to  figure out what I wanted. There was such an accomplished pride on the face of the girl who managed to complete the transaction, it was really nice to see.

My major accomplishment for my entire time in Malaysia was buying a souvenier fridge magnet that says "Malaysia".

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Singapore Beginnings

People often complain that flying can be tiring, which seems odd given that out consists of sitting for hours on end. But I think I've figured it out; it's the constant offers and queries. From the moment you board the plane, you're being given things. "Would you like a hot towel, sir?", "Can I offer you a drink?", "Here is your headset", "Would you like a cold towel?", "Here is your toothbrush", "Have some pork and rice", "Would you like a dry towel?", "Have a muffin", "Would you like another drink?". It's nice, sure, but it's exhausting.

As you've probably guessed, I'm on a plane. I've just flown out of Sydney, waved goodbye to the Townie as I flew overhead, and I'm well on my way to Singapore to see my brother. This blag is probably going to be the best spot to find out where I'm up to, and how I'm going on my quest to not come back dead.

Following the flight into Singapore's lavish Chengi Airport (the vast expanses of marble between each check point serving as more of a frustration than anything as my legs were seized up), my brother picked me up and right away we were out into the Singapore heat and seeing the country. The airport is in the bottom right of the country, and we drove from there across the island to the very top, where he works, then all the way back to the south where we checked out some of the city centres architecture and ridiculous american retail stores (gucci, lois, prada and so on).

After heading back to his flat and taking in the spectacular view of the neighbouring jungle and revoir from 20 stories up, we headed for beers at the local hawker centre and dinner on the local dining strip.

This morning I find myself writing from the very same hawker centre, sipping a black coffee (I'm yet to figure out how to order it otherwise) and contemplating how I'm going to find my way to my next stop, a museum that may or may not be called "National Museum".

P.S. When in Singapore, I advise not forgetting shorts.