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Monday, 27 October 2008

Death, walking, and photos

Almost got in two post in the one day (but this is Monday morning, technically, because the internet is going slow). Most unlike me.

I was out walking. I put on a pair of studio quality monitoring headphones, plugged them into the music in my pocket, strapped a camera to my back, and headed for the cliff. I went ambling through the streets, with my music up full, listening to the wind blow scream through the power lines. I was looking at the fallen branches, watching people through their windows. Seeing them flicker different colors as they absorbed the commercials.

All of a sudden I looked up and saw an incredible pole with a streetlight. No doubt I've passed it many times before, but the way the light fell on the timber caught my eye. I stopped to take a photo.


My camera batteries died before I could get the picture I wanted, so I headed home to get some 'freshies' out of the charger. I reloaded, and decided to cycle instead of waling, since my bike was already out of the shed. On my way up the hill to the pole, I noticed something lying in the grass. I went back to see it, and it was a bird. It was dead. I decided I would have to photograph it; I always feel compelled to do so, just to document that it was alive. Here you can see the ants already hard at work on the beak, which clearly was badly shattered upon impact.


While I was trying to find the right angle for the picture of the pole, I heard a loud noise down the road, over the music. I turned to see that in the time I'd been shooting, another bird had fallen, not two meters from the first. I went straight down, and shot a snap of it. It fell from the power lines, and landed on the tarmac and blue metal, so I decided to shoot it with a flash to capture just how raw and inhuman the results of our human society are. Enough wank, here's the photo:


Sunday, 26 October 2008

HSC ampersand

So it may sound like poor form when I say the reason I haven't posted in almost a month is because I'm doing exams, it is worth noting that the HSC is renowned around the country as being one of the most stressful, rigorous, time consuming examination there is. Every year, it leads to suicides.

Even after all this time, this post will be a short one. I still have four exams over the next few weeks; I have sat three and they all went fairly well.

It's funny: having started the HSC, I've found myself cycling more, going to the beach more, playing more music, watching more TV, checking blogs and webcomics for updates several times a day. (I've just started using iGoogle, it's great having all my feeds in one place).

Also, I have put up some more photos. Here's two of them:

Trusty rusty