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Tuesday 7 April 2009

In reverse chronological order

Firstly, a letter I just sent to the Australian Government Senate Inquiry on Climate Change:
We all know that PV (Photovoltaic) technology is being effectively utilised around the world, and that our great big slab of land is ideally placed to utilise this technology, right beneath a tropic.

Australia not only lies in the ideal position geographically to utilise the technology, but also has some of the worlds leading PV research facilities. Proper government funding should be pumped into both research (creating perfect green collar jobs) and implementation (note that unlike the ridiculous 'clean coal' phallacy, PV exists, and can actually be implemented now).

Even if the government refuses to make any realistic effort to help solar, they could at least stop actively hindering it by subsidising filthy fossil fuel powered generators, and redirect that money into our shameful health or education systems.

Seriously, it's a good idea.

Michael Kelly

Photocredit: Clearly Ambiguous

I have been intensely sick lately. Really, unable to get out of bed for many many hours of the day (and not due to just liking the warmth like normal). I am on God knows how many drugs, I have no idea what half of them do (or what they actually are...), but I guess it seems to be helping a little now (since I'm sitting at my desk typing, without dying).

Anyhow, last night on the train on my way home, at about a quater to nine, I was sitting reading the daily PT atocity (MX) with Monty (a guy from my maths course at uni), when the train came to an unusually abrupt halt. An extremely paniced female voice came over the announcement system, imploring that we immediately evacuate the train in a calm an orderly but immediate manner, byttravelling toward the read of the train until the doors no longer opened out onto tunnel walls.

Typically, such a situation would have been most exciting; but as I could barely breathe to begin with, ambling down a freezing breezy tunnel full of microparticulate filth contaminating my lungs held less appeal that it would otherwise have done.

Monday morning on the bus:

I was sitting on the rail that only some busses have, surrounding the little baggage pit adjacent the rear door. I felt my left thigh begin to vibrate, looked down, and noticed the handbag of girl next to me resting on my leg. (I know what you're thinking, and you're not right.) I got her attention to let her know that her phone was ringing, but reaslised she was already on the phone. Of course, she couldn't possibly have two phones, right? That would just be wierd. Anyhow, turns out she did have two, but it wasn't her second phone vibrating. Turns out, I actually had two phones in my left pocket. Wierd huh? It makes me wonder, how many more phones are there than people in this country? I know I have at least half a dozen mobile phones. Why? Who knows. But with so many people having swish new phones, clearly their previous devices have been discarded (most likely into a drawer like all of mine). Anyhow, that's just what I was thinkin'. No point intended, but I guess I could say this: If YOU have an old phone, stick it on Crailist. Seriously; it's a good idea.

Note that I have chosen to retract the following statement in it's entirity, and my decision was in no way influenced by the legal department.

In conclusion, not that it relates to anything else here, if you are purchasing music online (i.e.: Not pirating for a change) try Amazon's online music service. They didn't pay me to plug them (bastards), and also I have not used them... But, you already have an Amazon account (oh come on, everybody has bought something on Amazon at some stage), the prices are often better than iTunes (or at worst the difference is negligible), and most importantly, you get the music in MP3 format, which (while not the highest quality) is practically universal (though still technically propeitary). That is, you pay for the music, then you get to put it on your computer, your iPod, your non-apple branded MP3 player, a CD etc etc. (Rather than iTunes, where you pay for it, and can play it only through their own player, and only on their portable music device).

Let me know how you go,
All I've heard is good news.

But still, it's times like these that Minties don't help, and I wish html still considered strikethrough worthy of universal support.

Well, that's it for another installment. I think I'm going to brave the cold and go get some noodles and cottage cheese. And maybe some salt flavour chips. I'll leave you with an announcement from the twit of the guy who writes this blog, letting us know that he:
invented a new smoothie flavour:
"Cherry Children's Tylenol, Tears, Gin and Mylanta".

Get well soon (just in case you, too, are sick)

1 comment:

  1. give me a drawer phone!
    then we can talk to each other on the phone!
