Last night, at about half past one, I met our new cat. It came running inside the flat after having followed us home from the train station. Tonight I discovered that he actually followed our neighbors upstairs home a few hours before us. They proceeded to feed it canned tuna, whilst another neighbor of ours has put it out a basket with blankets in which to sleep. I quite like the idea of a communal cat living here, shared between the different flats.
The cat has since been hanging around, meowing until late into the night. Hmm, anyone missing a black cat in the North Sydney area? (Time to locate a vet in walking distance and get this guy scanned for a microchip).
P.S. I also saw a bush turkey running around in the late out the back to day. Since when do they live in the city? Ah well, Its better than the inundation of hairy caterpillars our neighbors were invaded by the other day.
I think today might be the day for your monthly blog post Michael!